Sustainably Grown Cannabis

Recreational Cannabis Dispensary in Worcester, MA

Sustainably Grown

Sustainably Grown Cannabis


A segment of our menu that highlights environmentally conscious cultivators dedicated to quality products and customer satisfaction. Their superior products reflect their commitment to sustainable practices and community care. Typically, these cultivators are locally owned and operated.

Sustainably Grown Cannabis is defined by seven categories:


Cannabis grown in greenhouses, utilizing natural light and controlled conditions for optimal energy efficiency and environmental balance.


Cannabis is cultivated outdoors, leveraging natural sunlight and ecosystems to minimize energy use and promote sustainability.

Solar Power:

Cannabis is grown using solar energy to reduce reliance on non-renewable sources, support sustainable practices, and lower the carbon footprint.


Cannabis grown with collected rainwater, emphasizing water sustainability and efficient resource use.


Cannabis grown without soil tilling, preserving soil health and biodiversity for long-term sustainability.


Cannabis cultivated in natural soil enhances nutrient cycles and soil health compared to hydroponics or synthetic mediums.

Energy-Efficient Lights:

Cannabis is grown under energy-efficient lighting systems like LEDs, which reduce electricity consumption and support sustainable energy use.