Legendary Move by Retired Raider

Urgent Care

From blocking for one of the greatest running backs to brick and mortar weed shop. A fullback isn’t a glorified position in football, hell some experts might say the position […]

Restriction on Edibles? Ok

Have you ever had a marijuana-infused edible or capsule and hours later you forgot about eating it until it hits you? Or maybe that oral treat hit you too hard. It’s happened to me! I’ve been in a position where all of a sudden, the world unexpectedly changed! Edibles are tasty but usually sneaky…

If Brady Kneeled

Tom Brady

Tom Brady is the greatest quarterback of all time. As a player, his individual stats and team achievements have placed him in talks of the best football player ever! Watching his […]

Marijuana Mom

Marijuana Mom

We are about five months away from the official Mother’s Day in May 2019. The first Nationally celebrated Mother’s Day was in 1908 and now its celebrated in over 40 countries across the world…

Cancer in the Family for a Cannabis Entrepreneur

Each year, more than 164,000 American men become diagnosed with prostate cancer. Doctors don’t know when the disease develops. Studies show that African American men are approximately 70 percent more […]

Multi-Level-Marketing & Weed

Multi Level Marketing Weed

Marijuana is a consumer product, is it worth being a distributor for a marijuana MLM company? It depends, I want to say no, but I’ll say it’s not for me. Everyone loves a success story…

3-Years $10M Deals

3-Years $10M Deals

Inside the corporate world, there is a lot of pressure to be “good,” but be sure you are not “too good” because you will create a bigger target for yourself. Please consider modesty and find ways to transfer skills and make your next move great…

Marijuana in the Media

Marijuana In the Media

The media’s relationship with marijuana is going strong. There were racists remarks and propaganda in the 1930s. And don’t forget the “get tough” campaigns during the war on drugs. And now, we are experiencing coverage of legalization and licensing in the states….

Son of a Bitch


The NFL has 32 teams and approx. 1,700 players. Nearly 75% of NFL players are Black/African-American. The minimum full year, base salary is over $400,000 while most veterans, starters, and franchise players make much more…